Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Debating the madness of shameless lies.
The Wall Street scam is in full flower.
The real story of the bailout is found between the lines. Fat cats scrambling to protect their hordes.
But patriotic crooks, I'm sure.
Sarah Palin is a crook.
She attempts to steal votes by bullshitting. And oh yes, it was her superhero, Ronald Reagan who brought us the deregulation that is causing the economic problems now - Clinton (Bill) did his share to move the deregulation along in '98... sad but true... one might want to take a closer listen to Ralph Nader these days, although I will vote for the dems because fewer people will suffer....
So what else is new?
The madness of her demented evangelical brain.
Is she pregnant again?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
But look, they have a 700 billion dollar parachute!
Ah, a gentle landing for the poor fellows.
It calms the worried mind to know that the rich
are looking out for the rich by trying to scare the living daylights
out of the little people.
The madness of being the frightened little people.
And while we're at it, the madness of Chinese milk products.
Connect the dots:
win an off-shore bank account of your very own!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It is quite obvious to me that I must become so large an entity that the government simply cannot afford to not bail me out. I will from this day forward endeavor to become larger and larger by the minute. You, the friendly taxpayer, will gladly, with a song in you voice and a smile on your face, foot the bill for bailing me out of any miscalculation that I might make in my headlong rush to amass vast quantities of money. I Thank you in advance for the madness of your cooperation in my times of financial tribulations.
Beat the rush and send me cash in advance of my difficulties.
And of course,
Over and out.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
like Roman gladiators with blood drooling from their tongues,
spouting the same old rhetoric about
the right to life and the evils of abortion
boasting for more drilling of oil and calling it independence,
raising their arms in the air like bombs ready to explode
and destroy the rest of the world.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
restricting you from making a change of when to leave or arrive
The madness of search and seizure for anything that may be
a post 9-11 terror tool to take down a plane like a fingernail clippers or
file or scissors or a small bottle of shampoo or a tube of toothpaste or sunblock,
I've had it all confiscated before because of my refusal to follow their stupid rules.
The only thing I fear is the price of fares going up and all the penalty fees and extra charges added on just to check a piece of luggage.
And then I wonder if I'll see mine when I get off the plane or will it be missing when the rest of the passengers luggage comes down the conveyor belt?
Don't bring your own water bottle of good filtered water straight from your own tap because it too will be confiscated. They got one of mine.
Pass through each checkpoint and remove your shoes and empty your pockets and raise your arms up and spread your legs apart while they run the scanner up and down you from head to toe to see if you might be carrying a dangerous weapon or any such device that will be considered a threat to national security.
I've got a copy of Kurt Vonnegut's A Man Without a Country.
They will surely see that as a threat no doubt.
Any book or pamphlet or printout stating the real facts and telling the truth will be considered a threat to national security and you will be yanked out of line and held for questioning and interrogations afterwards and will have missed your flight.
Any piece of literature that questions the motives and actions of your own country will be considered dangerous material and you could be one of them even though you don't wear a mask.
The madness of it all just to get to Montana to see a cousin
who I shared better times with before all this came down and
a 90 year old aunt and uncle who grew up with the Model T and raised horses on the high plains.
I would choose to drive there but gas is high and i'm getting old and my eyesight ain't what it used to be and time is of the essence.
The madness goes on.
Friday, August 15, 2008
"Arf arf, bow WOW!"
yes, it's the dog daze of August here in the heart of N.C.
where blaring music from the roofers and hammers and saws from the
carpenters and the sirens and the yelling keep things lively here.
No, never a dull moment in old Noise City.
No wait, that's just my eyeballs sweating....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
And then it is quiet for a few milaseconds
until the next explosion.
Sleep tonight is totally out
of the question.
Hey where's your patriotic spirit anyway?
Who said I was ever patriotic anyway as far
as patriotism is defined in our country's
distorted perception of things?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
as the cherry bombs and other patriotic explosives
attack the night.
The dogs and cats, and the wild urban critters run and hide from it all; I join them, but it is to no avail, as
THE MADNESS OF BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! follows us everywhere tonight.
The celebration of NOISE and drunkenness has begun as Amerikans salute their freedom with a beer and a firecracker.
Beware, all creatures of a gentle nature; tis a day and night ahead that will sorely test your spirit.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
The madness of.
The madness of hip hop HELL!
Of course it has its place,
but not in my ears, PLEASE!
I'm cut from a different cloth;
my sensibilities are diametrically opposed.
I don't care what they put in their brains via their ears, but please leave my ears out of it!
The madness of this culture going down down down the drain. Swoooooosh....
Ah yes, spoken like a true curmudgeon: I ADMIT IT. Gladly.
We have seen clearly what the madness of NOISE and brute force have wrought upon the varied beings of this wee planet. And yet, the humans proceed full speed ahead with more NOISE and brute force. Lemmings. Idiots. Suicidal freaks. Inmates of the insane asylum of the milky way.
behold our impact...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Old enough now to have seen and heard this madness way too many times. The forked tongues and the gilded lilies.
It's a contact sport without much contact with the real issues that loom heavily over our fragile earthly domain.
"HOO RAY for my candidate! And damn the rest" - It's damn maddening.
and the price of rice just went up
As usual, i will be casting my vote for the one under whose "leadership" fewer will suffer. No illusions of real and profound progressive change. Getting too long in the tooth, and too jaded for those kinds of empty hopes....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
i is part of it. Madness comes from waiting for information, for decisions to be made (and to made public) that are relevant to you, your future, your life. Information is a precious commodity, and big BIZ knows not to give away anything, even if it's worthless, but if it really is precious - ain't no way that stuff is getting out for nothing. But the madness is not limited to the waiting, rather the expecting to hear, the Expectation that never seems to come.
i is part of it. and you are too, you just may not know it yet. and there is more Madness when that reality hits, and you wonder how the hell did you miss it, when it was really so obvious. You missed it because you wanted to believe in the right thing, in the goodness and honesty of people. However, that sort of crap doesn't apply to the big BIZ boys ... welcome. The door is open and you have entered into
Thursday, April 10, 2008
In this case, it's the madness of homeless folks who have more babies; specifically, homeless teenage breeders. It may sound harsh to some, but my mantra in this regard is "MANDATORY BIRTH CONTROL!"
Gees, will the cycle ever be broken? I have my doubts, and every year at this time, those doubts are not dissuaded one iota.
It's the madness of homeless family camp out at The Temple Of Wages.
I say, yes, give them shelter, but please give them condoms and a little sound advice, even if it is not mandatory (although, the madness of it is, that without the "mandatory" part, it doesn't go very far)....
It is heartbreaking to witness the little kids and their inept "parents" who can barely deal with the situation they find themselves in; the result the old hormone stampede and no common sense.
Go ahead, copulate, but PLEASE, please don't populate. Enough is ENOUGH already!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Mere Madness
Eternal madness.
Madness, eternal.
Spring's madness.
On the ride home from work late last night the madness of a hoot owl high in a cedar tree
on 12th avenue.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
seasonal equality
I vote for THE MADNESS OF SPRING! Oh glorious spring. Sexy spring!
I am giddy with its sensuality, mainly because i happen to have the day of the equinox off this year. Otherwise, i would be grumbling about the usual B.S. at the temples.
BUT WAIT: what's that i hear coming down the path? Yes, tis the madness of Easter, and the madness of the littered aftermath scattered helter-skelter throughout The Temple Of Wages.. perhaps it's all cleverly designed to keep me from getting just too damned giddy.
I will defiantly rejoice in the madness of the equinox.
What the hell....
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The madness of chocolate Newman bars that I’m addicted to just like popcorn and corn chips
madness - it's no quality control at the factory. it's salesmen that do not know what they are selling. it's the sale, money in and who cares if the customer comes back.
madness - it's trying to do something right and not knowing the exact steps .... so it gets done three or four times before it gets right - mostly by accident.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The madness of our attempts to get a wee bit of justice out of "the system".
HA! That was madness!!!! Our futile madness.
The madness of people who should be ashamed of themselves, but who instead take some sort of twisted pleasure in causing other people discomfort.
Yes, the crazy madness of our discomfort, and of their utter shamelessness.
The madness of neighbors.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
which supply the nation's fast food chains and junk food
the madness of corn fed cattle penned up in feed lots
and the obesity of Americans raised on a diet of fat and starch
and the madness of the billions of gallons of fuel consumed
to produce the monoculture crop of unedible kernels of synthetic crap
while starvation continues in the millions around the world
the madness of corn and more corn that is not even corn but some
frankensteinian creation from the chemical labs that resist
pesticides where no living organism like a worm or bug can live
and the madness of the chemical runoff into the rivers and waterways
and more corn for high fructose corn sweeteners for sodas and fast food burgers
to consume on a daily basis to grow fatter and fatter until we explode
like a huge balloon of shit in the pants capitalism
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
In memorium
The madness of the pain and suffering that haunted him lo these many years.
The madness of his bent and twisted back that tortured his spine and muscle.
The madness of his tenuous grip on the reality of this world as his ailing body devoured his mind and spirit.
The sweet madness of the memories I carry with me of his great creativity and insight into the madness of the human condition.
The amazing madness of his creative abandon, and appreciation for the bizarreness of this all-too-often crazy world we live in.
The madness of last conversations with him, a ghost; a defeated ghost.
The incredible madness of his portrayal of "Dr. Hans Groper" for the camera in the short film "Camera Surgery".
The madness of my inability to save him from himself.
The madness of the love we will always feel for Brother Fritz as his molecules rearrange themselves and his spirit blesses the void.
The madness of it all....
Friday, February 22, 2008
The madness of mega big box chain store mania before Christmas
The madness of Santa Claus hanging from the cross with a sign that says
Santa Claus died for your Master Card
Thursday, February 21, 2008
This guy was born to be a car salesman. Nothing else.
The madness of internal combustion engines and the madness of the need still.
The madness of walking into a car dealership and realizing that you have been abducted and instantaneously transported to an alien planet. The inhabitants
of that planet are not like you. Clever robots.
It's a land of shiny make-believe in a world of harsh realities.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The madness of small spaces inside the crevices of my mind where I’ve left old memories behind that are slowly beginning to emerge from the depths of my consciousness
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
over the moon
It was your only chance.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
it tells you there be drugs in the streets. there be cheating in pool halls. does congress care about that? hell no, that ain't the money game, the spotlight game, the re-election game.
it tells you liars be in congress, and all of 'em ain't on the witness stand. and does newspapers, or ESPN cover that part of the story?
i tells you, madness is simply listening to all this crap and not going mad, or worse, almost caring about it.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
so here we stand, a bit of sunshine in a world of grey, or is it vise versa. Not that it matters, because we are not to be beleived nor trusted. we are the symbols of madness itself. for that, we are to be rejected, refused and rebuked.
Madness is the Amen before society acts.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
More Madness (cont)
The madness of dirty politics as usual and too many opinions from newscasts and panels of analysts predicting who’s behind and who’s ahead according to the polls like sportscasters predicting the outcome in the playoffs of football
The madness of the prison industry and the minorities waiting on death row
while the white collar criminals and CEOs of multibillion dollar industries go free
I have to stop here and take a break
Friday, February 8, 2008
More Madness (cont)
The madness of everything and everyone and someone with a gun in a mall or a church with their mad gods of power and anger to blow someone’s life away
The madness of the FCC becoming nothing but another strong arm for the corporate media
and spying on its own citizens
The madnes of the cracks in the bedroom ceiling staring down at you.
The madness of the neighobr's BRIGHT back porch light illuminating the night, and your house. The madness of her inability to turn it OFF!
The madness, in general, of neighbors.
The madness of the pulse thumping in my ears as I cram the ear plugs into them to drown out the madness of the noise from the heat pump next door.
The madness of the dream that finally came.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I regret to inform you
The madness of regrets.
Regrets, those slobbering jaws of the past clamped on to your ankles, dragging you back into the unforgiving swamps of yesteryear.
The madness of regrets are married to the madness of "if only's"....
If only we had no regrets.
I regret to say that this is quite unlikely.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Still More Madness
The madness of the Super Bowl
who's ahead and who's behind
The madness of the gamble
who's got the best money to
win the game
The madness of Super Tuesday
if you listen too long
you'll go insane
The madness of who's ahead
and who's behind
or who's got the most millions
and the best lies
The madness of Super Tuesday
and Black Wednesday
The madness of the political pundits
and the mad commentators on the news
telling the populace what they want
them to hear
They all give me the blues
The madness of the verbal attacks
and all the cheers
The madness of the same old rhetoric
and the word change over used
and abused
For the times ain't a changin
and the pure madness of it all
Friday, February 1, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
More Madness (cont)
The madness of a dim light burning in a corner coffee shop in the early morning as I’m trying to read the morning’s sad news with my aging eyesight
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Mad as the hatter.
Mad as a winter's sunset dissolving in pale shades against the shrouded horizon.
Mad as hell.
Mad as a three dollar bill.
Madness of the economic "kick start".
Madness of midnight in a freezing night's dream.
Madness of the neighbor's bright patio light left on all night.
Mad as the smile on my face.
More Madness
The madness of a creative slump as I’m sinking down inside the thick slimy ooze of stagnation and all other matter is frozen solid with no thaw coming soon
It has to do with the future, that nebulous place where the tracks of our lives are leading. One wonders, on occasion, if those tracks are perhaps already laid out before us, invisible, although at certain times, and in certain situations, and in certain mental dispositions, visible to us. Have we been here before, as the boys sang about? Are we reliving our personal dramas, possibly trying to get something right, or, possibly just trying to find the way out? Is it the madness and curiosity of the Grande Puppeteer in the sky that keeps us rolling down the tracks, chugging along on our bitter sweet excursion through this particular life? "No strings attached"; I'm not so sure.
Tick tock; destiny rides the clock....
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
never ending noise. noise like a stampede raging down the road, trampling over your meditations and contemplations.
"In the begining there was NOISE" - and there shall be noise in all its grotesque manifestations all our born days. NOISE, not to be confused with sound. You dig?
Shhhh. It.
and yes,
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
It carries clout. It carries power and it carries dishonesty to a greater level. No white lies in this territory. It's the mega lie era now, bigger than a Whopper, bigger than a Big Mac. It attempts to venture into legendary status. After all, there is the past Official Lies that must be bettered. It's a sort of BIG BOY competition. Too bad for the little bastards that believe them and get squished as a result. That's also part of the game, learning not only to tell the lie, to believe the lie, but to be calloused to the consequences, as long as the consequences are not on your immediate (and manicured) hands.
OK, so i'm mad and still believe that honesty and honest effort mean something. i am certain there is still time for a change, though once you get to be an old fart as myself, that sort of time is very limited. And besides, i am heading off to night shift this weekend, so the only time i have belongs to Officials of one sort or another anyway.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Yes, it has driven me to the edge of madness, a place where insanity is the norm. Therefore, i seem to be being driven sane ("normal"), by the above equation. It is a collosal waste of time, but then so is so much of what we are forced into spending our time doing by the forces of MEDIOCRITY... speaking of which, back to the madness of the jobs Friday night...
i is standing at the gates of Heaven. St. Peter idly chatting about the music section, as he reviews my life-long list of deeds .....
oh - No, it's not St. Peter. It's the toothless gate guard (that we affectionately call "Fang") checking my ID. It's not heaven, but the gates to Whoreville (the real name of the papermill it seems).
this is madness. No, the foreman says, this is reality and i need to get my ass in gear.
Madness is not knowing where you are, what day of the week it is and how many more nights you have to work. This is the reality of Whoreville. There is no difference.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
"once upon a time..."