Friday, July 4, 2008

as the cherry bombs and other patriotic explosives
attack the night.
The dogs and cats, and the wild urban critters run and hide from it all; I join them, but it is to no avail, as
THE MADNESS OF BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! follows us everywhere tonight.
The celebration of NOISE and drunkenness has begun as Amerikans salute their freedom with a beer and a firecracker.
Beware, all creatures of a gentle nature; tis a day and night ahead that will sorely test your spirit.


Anonymous said...

as Pat Travers said: "Boom Boom - out go the lights" ... and the noise just goes on ...

TW said...

Boom Boom Boom Bang Crack wack pop fizz sizzle whizz- KABOOOOOM!!

And then it is quiet for a few milaseconds until the next explosion.

Sleep tonight is totally out of the question.

Hey where's your patriotic spirit anyway?

Who said I was ever patriotic anyway as far as patriotism is defined in our warped perception of things?