Friday, January 11, 2008

Today's study in madness is Lies - Official Lies at that. Union Officials, Corporate Officials, yep ZR, even City Officials. An official lie is much better than a run of the mill person-to-person lie.
It carries clout. It carries power and it carries dishonesty to a greater level. No white lies in this territory. It's the mega lie era now, bigger than a Whopper, bigger than a Big Mac. It attempts to  venture into legendary status. After all, there is the past Official Lies that must be bettered. It's a sort of BIG BOY competition. Too bad for the little bastards that believe them and get squished as a result. That's also part of the game, learning not only to tell the lie, to believe the lie, but to be calloused to the consequences, as long as the consequences are not on your immediate (and manicured) hands.

OK, so i'm mad and still believe that honesty and honest effort mean something. i am certain there is still time for a change, though once you get to be an old fart as myself, that sort of time is very limited. And besides, i am heading off to night shift this weekend, so the only time i have belongs to Officials of one sort or another anyway.

1 comment:

Mad Rex said...

ZK - AIN'T IT THE TRUTH!! and that's no lie. Your post here has hit the old nail on the old head.
I listened to a guy on the radio the other day who wrote a book about the lies that companies use to entice the unsuspecting into useing expensive features on their cell phones, credit cards, etc. etc. that they (we) have no idea they're signing up for (or worse, NOT signing up for, hence okaying the corp. to charge them: this being a particularly despicable device they employ).. an entire generation of business wonks has been bred to figure out ways to decieve and lie in order to squeeze money out of the pockets of the unsuspecting (dare I say "trusting") populace... Corps. like B of A, etc. etc. employ these tactics... the madness of the greedy, greasy, underbelly of capitalism. It feels like a tidalwave of dishonosty....
Yes, it's a wonderful life, if you're a corporation: "legal" scam artists.