Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The madness of make-believe: divine and diabolical... The madness of attempting to lift the veil... there will be more regarding the madness of make-believe soon. For the time being, I will simply say that in the best make-belive fashion, all is well in the neighborhood and that it is because of the profound evolutionary nature of the human condition that the gods are compelled to come to us for the answers to their nagging questions about the meaning of it all.
"once upon a time..."


Anonymous said...

Timex was worn by eternity in the
muscle of the moment flexed by
chance encounters around the
personal flames of the bonfire
where we gathered to hear the voice of peninsula poets begin the
tale we cannot yet finish nor choose to bend along the river, our
heart in the flow determined by
times,location and the local weather falling like headlines created by hightides and dangerous surf, no board intended, ridden as the final decision...."

Kenn said...

i was offered, and i accepted ... this is simply madness. oh yeah, there is no madness, merely the perception reality has gone askew. oh well, whatever it is, i am here and in fold, great ZR! And i will post my first humble attempt to mingle with your greatness in a moment, and i suspect it will appear above this post. Ah, the joys of whatever it is we are in.

Mad Rex said...

Deadnoise lives!
it was the inspiration for "dead toast", a one act play about a middleclass nuclear aftermath.