Saturday, January 26, 2008

More Madness (cont)

The madness of a dim light burning in a corner coffee shop in the early morning as I’m trying to read the morning’s sad news with my aging eyesight

The madness of laptops and i-pods and cell phones and digital conversations empty of heart and soul

The madness of another day of work with the cold driving drizzle coming down and the wind beginning to blow

The madness of lawns where moss is coming back trying to proclaim it’s original territory and those homeowners who are hooked on grass and chemical fertilizers

The madness of solid moving traffic coming to a halt like a logjam on a river and all the engines idling, belching out more CO 2s into the atmosphere as the summer heat rises off the asphalt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are the mad mower of the void!
mo moss. no mow....