Friday, February 29, 2008

The madness of places where you do not belong.
The alluring, toxic madness of new car smell.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

In memorium

The madness of beloved friend and artistic cohort Fritz who blesst the void this week.
The madness of the pain and suffering that haunted him lo these many years.
The madness of his bent and twisted back that tortured his spine and muscle.
The madness of his tenuous grip on the reality of this world as his ailing body devoured his mind and spirit.
The sweet madness of the memories I carry with me of his great creativity and insight into the madness of the human condition.
The amazing madness of his creative abandon, and appreciation for the bizarreness of this all-too-often crazy world we live in.
The madness of last conversations with him, a ghost; a defeated ghost.
The incredible madness of his portrayal of "Dr. Hans Groper" for the camera in the short film "Camera Surgery".
The madness of my inability to save him from himself.
The madness of the love we will always feel for Brother Fritz as his molecules rearrange themselves and his spirit blesses the void.
The madness of it all....

Friday, February 22, 2008

The madness of mega big box chain store mania before Christmas
And the madness of Jingle Bells and Oh What Fun it is to ride

Ride ride ride out this madness out to the far fringes of the four dimensional universe where time stops and time never begins

The madness of dark clouds rolling in burying the sunlight when the days are too short but long cold and wet

The madness of cappuccinos and Mexican mochas and vanilla and chocolate lattes and sleek shiny new compacts and big SUVS

The madness of gift cards from Starbucks, Borders, Target and Home Depot

The madness of two days out of the year of good cheer and Silent Night and Away In The Manger when everything appears warm and friendly, generous and full of good hearts and compassion

The madness of Santa Claus hanging from the cross with a sign that says
Santa Claus died for your Master Card

And what ever became of Jesus anyway

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The madness of car salesmen, especially ones named "Chik".
This guy was born to be a car salesman. Nothing else.
The madness of internal combustion engines and the madness of the need still.
The madness of walking into a car dealership and realizing that you have been abducted and instantaneously transported to an alien planet. The inhabitants
of that planet are not like you. Clever robots.
It's a land of shiny make-believe in a world of harsh realities.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Madness minutes miles meaning more moveable meanderings minus
mush minds mathematically mutated momentarily missing Mozart.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The madness of small spaces inside the crevices of my mind where I’ve left old memories behind that are slowly beginning to emerge from the depths of my consciousness

The madness of more rain beating down in the middle of the night and the cold winds and stormy afternoons and fir tree limbs snapping off

The madness of the old fat mangy long haired gray cat outside my door crying and whining for more food saying FEED ME FEED ME!!!

The madness of my old Toyota pickup using more oil and fuel and demanding more repairs to get from here to there

The madness of people coming and going in and out of doorways everywhere

The madness of the same old everyday routine and the old familiar streets I’ve been down too many times before

The madness of my pen running out of ink when the words finally come rushing out of my brain to put down on paper and then I lose the flow of thoughts like a river drying up and all the fish and birds dying.

Friday, February 15, 2008

My oh madness, madness of rat -a-tat-tat on the slumbering mind.
It's the rat-a-tat-tat of the political woodpeckers drilling holes in your head, looking for a vote.
Here's the mad deal I offer them: I'll vote for you if you vote for me.
Theat's where my 2:00 a.m. madness is at....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

over the moon

The madness of tossing your lasso at the silver slipper of a moon and just missing.
It was your only chance.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

i tells you what MADNESS has become. it's congress having hearing about cheating in sports, about drugs in sports.

it tells you there be drugs in the streets. there be cheating in pool halls. does congress care about that? hell no, that ain't the money game, the spotlight game, the re-election game.

it tells you liars be in congress, and all of 'em ain't on the witness stand. and does newspapers, or ESPN cover that part of the story?

i tells you, madness is simply listening to all this crap and not going mad, or worse, almost caring about it.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

MADNESS is simply sanity unconfirmed, unbelieved, unaccepted.

so here we stand, a bit of sunshine in a world of grey, or is it vise versa. Not that it matters, because we are not to be beleived nor trusted. we are the symbols of madness itself. for that, we are to be rejected, refused and rebuked.

Madness is the Amen before society acts.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

More Madness (cont)

The madness of dirty politics as usual and too many opinions from newscasts and panels of analysts predicting who’s behind and who’s ahead according to the polls like sportscasters predicting the outcome in the playoffs of football
The madness of cold mean streets and drug addicts and homeless victims caught in the wheels of madness spinning faster each and every day
The madness of the prison industry and the minorities waiting on death row
while the white collar criminals and CEOs of multibillion dollar industries go free
The madness of the burning sun with the absence of protective ozone-
I have to stop here and take a break

Friday, February 8, 2008

More Madness (cont)

The madness of everything and everyone and someone with a gun in a mall or a church with their mad gods of power and anger to blow someone’s life away
The madness of plastic and styrofoam floating on the ocean’s surface
The madness of oil wars and transnational corporate armies and the 21st Century Gestapo of Blackwater
The madness of refusal to cooperate in the International Treaty to stop global warming

The madness of scandal upon scandal and the corporate news media telling the world about the personal lives of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton rather than anything of real truth or substance
The madness of the judicial and legislative branches of government taken over by the Neocons
The madness of the FCC becoming nothing but another strong arm for the corporate media
The madness of the secret prisons of torture and water boarding
The madness of the CIA destroying the tapes of tangible evidence for incrimination
and spying on its own citizens

The madness of Zionism and the chosen ones building walls to conquer and divide and commit genocide
The madness of suicide bombers and the heavenly hereafter
And the madness of money and power and fascists of capitalism and greed and all the other isms and religions and militaries of God and Oil and Land
The madness of 70 billion more dollars for the funding of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with plans to attack Iran

The madness of insomnia.
The madnes of the cracks in the bedroom ceiling staring down at you.
The madness of the neighobr's BRIGHT back porch light illuminating the night, and your house. The madness of her inability to turn it OFF!
The madness, in general, of neighbors.
The madness of the pulse thumping in my ears as I cram the ear plugs into them to drown out the madness of the noise from the heat pump next door.
The madness of the dream that finally came.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I regret to inform you

The madness of regrets, not to be confused with the madness of misgivings, which in fact don't really qualify as "madness of" emotions (misgivings are light weight ponderings that contain within them the possibility of things working out in one's favor; regrets are the real deal; they can do you harm and disturb your sleep).
The madness of regrets.
Regrets, those slobbering jaws of the past clamped on to your ankles, dragging you back into the unforgiving swamps of yesteryear.
The madness of regrets are married to the madness of "if only's"....
If only we had no regrets.
I regret to say that this is quite unlikely.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Still More Madness

The madness of the Super Bowl

who's ahead and who's behind
The madness of the gamble
who's got the best money to
win the game
The madness of Super Tuesday
if you listen too long
you'll go insane
The madness of who's ahead
and who's behind

or who's got the most millions
and the best lies
The madness of Super Tuesday
and Black Wednesday
The madness of the political pundits
and the mad commentators on the news
telling the populace what they want
them to hear
They all give me the blues
The madness of the verbal attacks
and all the cheers
The madness of the same old rhetoric
and the word change over used
and abused
For the times ain't a changin
and the pure madness of it all

Friday, February 1, 2008

The madness of Laize Faire capitalism.
The madness of "anything goes" capitalists with one dimensional minds (they must be martians!)..
The madness that they spread throughout this land of ours.....