Thursday, October 30, 2008

The madness of employers who don't understand the meaning of "cost of living" adjustments to wages, even when you spell it out to them.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Madness, the of

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Sunday, October 5, 2008

the sweet sweet madness of autumn leaves tumbling down in October rains.
the sweet sweet madness of the last peppers picked.
the sweet sweet madness of that dream about the naked lady.
the sweet sweet madness of a rare sunday off from the madness of temple of wages.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The madness of debates.
Debating the madness of shameless lies.
The Wall Street scam is in full flower.
The real story of the bailout is found between the lines. Fat cats scrambling to protect their hordes.
But patriotic crooks, I'm sure.
Sarah Palin is a crook.
She attempts to steal votes by bullshitting. And oh yes, it was her superhero, Ronald Reagan who brought us the deregulation that is causing the economic problems now - Clinton (Bill) did his share to move the deregulation along in '98... sad but true... one might want to take a closer listen to Ralph Nader these days, although I will vote for the dems because fewer people will suffer....

So what else is new?

The madness of her demented evangelical brain.
Is she pregnant again?